About Me

Name: Julia Shuieh  
Hometown: Cupertino, CA
Personality: INFJ, Slytherin
Hobbies: video games, baking
Interests: musical theatre, traveling, food
Talents: piano, ukulele, motorcycle riding
Pet(s): Jaguar - 7 yo corgi



Food: shaved ice, waffles, sushi
Games: League of Legends, Portal, Tetris
Artists: Joji, Mxmtoon
Cartoons: Steven Universe, Rick & Morty
TV Shows: Parks & Rec, Black Mirror

Hi! I'm a student, software engineer, and teacher. I’m currently studying artificial intelligence and psychology, but I love dabbling in projects related to robotics, gaming, and data science. I’m always looking for new opportunities, whether it be through an internship, a personal project, or freelance work. Feel free to contact me to work together or to chat!

I really value:

Like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I don’t think anyone is a self-made man. I definitely am not. So many friends, family, and mentors helped me throughout my journey, and to give back, I want to be a reliable, compassionate support for other people through their professional and personal lives. I want to help bring happiness to others and unlock their potential.
I love exploring new places and new foods, but in my professional life, I want to tinker with different technologies, learn how they work, and apply them in new ways. I believe that computer science has limitless possibilities, and I want to be in the trailblazer in this vast, unexplored area.
To me, this means being brave. I am unafraid to be genuine and direct, to do the right thing, and to let people see the real me. By being honest, I own up to my mistakes and learn from them. Otherwise, I only deter my own growth.
I believe we can achieve so much more by working together. I love working on group projects and being committed to the success of the team, whether it be as a hard-working team player or an inspiring leader.
I’ve had to overcome many obstacles throughout my life, and clearly they have not stopped me yet. I enjoy achieving goals that I set so that I can continue to grow. I am hardworking and resourceful, and I make sure I produce the best possible work.

In the near future, I wish to contribute to or lead the development of some majorly life-changing technologies. I particularly want to work towards superintelligent computers that can act and live like a human, but I am excited to work on anything, from a fascinating video game to life-saving medical robots. Nevertheless, I want to leave a brighter future for later generations.

My Journey

My journey to studying computer science stems from my childhood playing video games. As a young child, I have always enjoyed playing computer games with my siblings. This hobby became the core of many friendships. I appreciated that video games contributed so much to the happiness in my life, and when I learned that video games were created by coding, I was inspired to pursue computer science to bring other people that same happiness.

I was further inspired to make computer science as my passion by my high school's FRC robotics team. I was eager to join the team since making moving robots just sounded cool, and I wanted to help create some awesome and advanced machines. Robotics helped show me the multitude of uses for computer science, from neural networks to computing the robot's path, and my fascination of the unknown pushed me to study artificial intelligence. It also helped build my collaborative skills, and I learned to be proactive and dedicate lots of effort to help my team succeed.

I was inspired to pursue psychology after looking at the widespread emotional and mental health issues with my peers. I personally dealt with some problems with depression and gender dysphoria, and I worried about other friends that were stressed from family, school, or social situations. I was also shy and introverted, and I wondered why I grew up to be different from other people and what makes people tick. After I began studying artificial intelligence, I found the connections between artificial intelligence and psychology to be astonishing, and wonder how we can use psychology to understand more about AI, and vice versa.

I still have a long way to go before the end of my journey, and I can’t wait where the next step leads me!

©2021 by Julia Shuieh